LIUJiakun's Photo

About Me

I am now a research scientist at Singapore Management University advised by Prof. David LO.

I received my Ph.D. degree in March 2022 from the College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, China, advised by Prof. LI Shanping and Dr. XIA Xin.

My research interest is intelligent software engineering. I mainly use artificial intelligence and data mining-related technologies to mine data, including software repositories and collective intelligence platforms, to better understand how software practitioners work, how software is developed, and how software technologies evolve. My research mainly focuses on three aspects: (1) low-quality code in software repositories, including the software technical debt categories and evolution; (2) answer-seeking process for solving software engineering problems, including searching and question-asking in collective intelligence platforms; (3) knowledge sharing activities on collective intelligence platforms, including the repeated knowledge sharing activities and the maintenance of the shared knowledge. In recent years, I have published 7 papers in top journals and conferences (TSE, FSE, ICSE, EMSE) in the field of software engineering.


PhD in Computer Science and Technology

2016.9 - 2022.3
Zhejiang University

Bsc in Systematic Engineering

2010.9 - 2014.7
National University of Defense Technology


Research Scientist

2022.9 - Present
Singapore Management University, Singapore

Software Engineer

2016.3 - 2018.3
State Street Technology, Hangzhou, China